Monday, October 2, 2017

October 2, 2017

I know I haven't came on here and written in a long while. It's been crazy these last two weeks. My van was out of commission for awhile due to a mess up at the gas supplier. Then I was busy with just everyday life.

My new medicine (for my anxiety and depression) has gotten me to be able to go to sleep at night but not through the night. I have been waking up random times throughout the night and last night I woke up about 3am. I look at my phone always to see what time it is. I notice I have notifications on my phone. I see there is a horrific shooting in Las Vegas. My first thought was, why? Innocent concert goers just enjoying some fun, and the next thing they know they are being shot at. What is even more heartbreaking is they were doing what they were taught. "GET DOWN STAY DOWN" Unfortunately for this situation, the shooter was up high and you had be under something in order to escape it.

I know there are bad people in the world but it still shocks me every time I heard of a tragic happening. I always want to know why and most of the time I don't get that answer.

My prayers go out to those effected by this shooting. There are lives lost, people injured and hearts broken. I will never understand the reason by wanting to hurt other people. ESPECIALLY people you don't know. Their lives will be effected forever.

I know I should write more but when a tragic event happens like it did last night you just want to hug your loved ones a little tighter.

Many prayers to Las Vegas.

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