Saturday, September 16, 2017

September 16th, 2017

It was a busy day today. I took my kids to a place that has a bunch of bounce houses for a couple hours, then McDonalds with a playground, then to a big playground at a park. My mind was kept busy all day.

Ryder (who will be 3 next month) had been smacked in the face by a kid at the bounce house place. It ruined his mood for the rest of the day. The child was forced to apologize by his mom and I tried to get Ryder calmed by playing a couple arcade games. Lexy talked my head off today. She didn't do much playing, more chatting. Austyn was in a bad mood this morning but was happier throughout the day.

Right now, I am baking a cake in my oven to decorate it tomorrow in a Halloween theme to see if can get some preorders for Halloween time. I love to decorate cakes. I am not an expert by any means but I love giving it my best. 

Ryder wants a dinosaur themed birthday party. He had one last year but wants one again this year. So I got to think of another clever idea for a birthday cake. I did a stegosaurus one last year, it was a hit with the family.

Before my husband left for work, I gave him a kiss (which I always do), and a hug (rarely do). I am not much of a touchy feely type of person. I can cuddle with my kids, but it gets me all anxious to even hug my grandma. It is an uncomfortable thing for me. I wasn't always like that. I used to see my friends in high school and hug them every time I saw them. I don't know what changed. My husband and I aren't the PDA type. We love each other so much, but we just don't really do much of that kind of thing. Today though, it was really nice to just hug him. If he didn't have to go to work I probably would of held on much longer. We don't even cuddle. I guess we are a weird couple.

Gerardo and I met at a mutual friend birthday party in Gerardo's hometown. Which his hometown was an hour away from mine. We didn't really speak, but he got my attention. Some girl wanted to sing a song for the birthday person, so everyone was super quiet. Next thing you hear is Dave Chapelle doing an impression of some rapper ringtone came from Gerardo's cell phone. I turned to him and started laughing, he smiled right back. We didn't speak until I was getting ready to leave and he handed me his phone and asked for my number. He even called me that night to see if it was a real number. He texted me the next day and said he was going to my hometown and wanted to go on a date. We met up at Joe's Crab Shack and then walked around a Walmart talking forever. The date ended with him kissing me and we departed ways. We texted and called every day. We visited each other on weekends. We fell for each other pretty fast but it was the first time in my life a guy would text me first thing in the morning and tell me "good morning beautiful". He was the first guy who would dismiss my disability when I told him everything that was wrong with me on the first date. I remember telling him everything about me, my leg, the repeated staph infections, my hearing, EVERYTHING. He listened to everything I said and said that it wouldn't effect how he feels about me. Every since he had proven to me over and over again that he is always by my side no matter what is going on with me.

My parents liked him pretty well right away cause he works hard, and was supporting himself. Which is always a plus to parents. The only real issue was his family and my family didn't get along. His family didn't want Gerardo and I together, they weren't real pleased when my oldest looked pretty white skinned when he was about a week old. My parents let Gerardo move into their home (of course in a separate room from mine), and didn't even charge him much rent. I am sure they were leery at first but he has proven himself to be a caring man. He has shown them he really does love me and care for me. I am no saying he is the perfect man ever, he has his faults, but he never quits trying. He will do anything in the world for our kids. My parents see that. I am real glad Gerardo and my parents have a good relationship with each other. My mom is my best friend too, so when I tell Gerardo I want to go shopping with my mom, he says leave the kids and get. I do a lot with my mom because usually I am taking her to and from doctor appointments or always asking if she needs to go anywhere. Everyone is surprised her mustang (which is a 2001) hasn't even hit 100000 miles on it. I always say, its because I take her almost anywhere she needs to go.

My dad does sneaky things. I will give a true event that happened as an example. My mom, Austyn and I were traveling out of state. So the men were left home. One day my dad cooked a special sausage jambalaya meal just for Gerardo so he wouldn't have to worry about cooking one night. He surprised Gerardo with a huge tub-a-ware bowl of it. My dad isn't an expressive person but doing little things like that, then you know that my dad likes Gerardo.

My parents are amazing grandparents to Austyn, Lexy, and Ryder. They take them on all sorts of camping trips and educate them about each place they visit. They spoil them like crazy of course. It just so wonderful having them in the kids lives. Not everyone has that opportunity.

Well, My cakes are finished baking so I am going to go to bed now. Thank you for reading!

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