Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September 13th 2017

My oh my. It has been so long since I have wanted to write and express my thoughts. I was ordered by my doctor to do more things I love to do. Writing is one of them, so i charged up my laptop and decided to give it a whirl.

Let me kind of touch base with you about myself. I am 29 years old, married to a wonderful man and we have 3 amazing children together. I also was born with a birth defect called Amniotic Band Syndrome. Six years ago I went and had my right leg amputated below the knee due to a repeated staph infection. I also suffer from anxiety and depression. Yes I am receiving medication and keeping well in touch with my doctor about my mental stability. 

Now to move on. I have 3 children. Austyn who is 8, has ADHD, i believe he also has a sensory disorder but we are currently waiting for an appointment for further testing. Lexy is 6, my only girl, is a non stop chatter box. Ryder is 2, and loves dinosaurs.

I am married to a wonderful "Redneck" man named Gerardo. No, you didn't read that wrong. My husband is hispanic and yes he classifieds himself as a redneck texan. NO i am not joking. He listens to old banjo bluegrass type of music, wears a cap almost 24/7 and his favorite redneck word he says is "cain't". No i didn't spell that wrong, it's exactly as its said C-AIN'T. Even though he is a weird type of guy, i love him dearly and he works very hard for our family.

I am very close to my mom, so i talk about her often. Besides my husband she is my best friend. She nags me to death about my over exhausted tennis shoes but yet can sit down and chit chat about anything in the world. Our favorite hobby we do together (besides spoiling my kids) is doing our family history. My dad is in my life but we don't see each other often. Not a bad thing, usually when i do actually see him he is playing with my kids. He is a great papa, that's all that matters.

OKAY, so you read all that. Got a brief touch up of my life. I am doing this blog to express myself and also educate many people of being physically disabled, mental health, being a dedicated wife and mom of 3 children. My life is very wild and busy and the last thing i want is pity. I am just wanting people to read and learn. If not learn then laugh at crazy things in my life. I love humor and sometimes my humor can be dark or morbid. EXAMPLE: I was so excited last year when i went to wal-mart. I walked past the pajama area for women and found a nightgown of a gingerbread cookie with one of it's leg snapped off and it says "Oh Snap!". I laughed out loud and bought it without a second thought. It's relatable to my amputee self and it's adorable so why not. I wear it often, my kids are entertained by it.

If anyone ever has any questions please comment, i am welcome to answer anything. I think that is all for now!

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